Climate activists want us prosecuted under RICO

The greens are desperate in the USA, in Australia they managed to roll a PM. Let’s see where it all go. In the meantime…. thousand of the Gaia accolite are preparing to go to Paris… burn more fuel honey!!

Watts Up With That?

Losing the climate science battle, climate activists want government to silence skeptics

Guest essay by Paul Driessen

They haven’t employed the thumb screws, rack or auto-da-fe that churches and states once used to interrogate, silence and eliminate heretics and witches. However, global warming alarmists are well practiced in the modern equivalents, to protect their $1.5-trillion Climate Crisis Industry.

They see only what they want to see, and publicize only what they want us to see. They refuse to debate anyone who questions the nature, severity or reality of “manmade climate change dangers” that are the foundation of their demands that we slash fossil fuel use, lower our living standards, and accept global government planning of economies and massive climate “adaptation and reparation” payments.

They collude to hide and manipulate data, and employ computer models that that make the Little Ice Age disappear and global temperatures climb rapidly after 1950…

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About Mareeba Property Management

Real Estate Scribe, IT manager, Lighting Supremo, Farmer and general gofer.....
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